Yudi at our poster (poster version of the full paper he presented at the main technical session):
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Paper accepted to Sigmetrics’24
The paper, Optimized Cross-Path Attacks via Adversarial Reconnaissance, combines our investigations on network tomography (particularly topology inference) and adversarial reconnaissance to study a new type of DoS attacks arising in the context of virtualized networks (e.g., network slices in 5G). The work was started during the last year of Yilei’s PhD study and completed by […]
Paper accepted to Globecom’23
The paper, Host-based Flow Table Size Inference in Multi-hop SDN, extends our previous work on host-based flow table size inference for edge switches to infer an unordered set of flow table sizes associated with switches on a multi-hop path. It is the only work to date that can reveal the flow table sizes of internal switches […]
Papers accepted to MobiHoc and MASS
“Yudi Huang and Ting He, Overlay Routing over an Uncooperative Underlay, ACM MobiHoc, October 2023.” Congratulations to Yudi! “Vajiheh Farhadi, Tom La Porta, and Ting He, 5G Multi-numerology Applications in Power Distribution Systems, IEEE MASS, September 2023.” This is an invited paper with a former student. Congratulations Vaji!
Papers accepted to IEEE TPDS and IEEE IoT Journal
The first paper is an outcome of our SaTC project in collaboration with Prof. Patrick McDaniel@Wisconsin: Tian Xie, Sanchal Thakkar, Ting He, Patrick McDaniel, and Quinn Burke, Joint Caching and Routing in Cache Networks with Arbitrary Topology, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, May 2023. The second paper is an outcome of […]
Chairing IEEE RTCSA 2023 – Welcome to submit!
I am honored to serve as the General Co-chair of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications(RTCSA’23), to be held in TOKI MESSE, Niigata, Japan during Aug 30-Spt 01, 2023. This venue serves researchers in real-time computing, embedded systems, and IoT. RTCSA welcomes both academic and industrial papers describing […]
Paper on “Laplacian Matrix Sampling” accepted to JSAC SI: Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning over Networks
Our paper, Laplacian Matrix Sampling for Communication-efficient Decentralized Learning, is the first systematic optimization of a key hyperparameter in decentralized learning, the mixing matrix, based on a general cost model that can represent a number of important cost metrics (e.g., energy, load, time). The work was conducted in collaboration with IBM and ARL, but the […]
“Design your own reality!” camp organized by Prof. Ting He, Bin Li, and Jing Yang featured on EECS website
Check out the cool video of what our organizers and campers have to say (bottom video): Penn State Engineering: Computer Science Summer Camp (psu.edu)
Visiting MIT & paper accepted to Applied Energy
Ting He and Yudi Huang visited Prof. Eytan Modiano’s group at MIT in December 2022 for NSF project meeting, on “overlay network inference and control”. Another paper generated from the NSF-funded CAMPR project got accepted in December 2022 to Applied Energy: “An Approach for Fast Cascading Failure Simulation in Dynamic Models of Power Systems“.
Funded by NSF Convergence Accelerator on “Securely Operating Through 5G”
Our proposal on “SMART-5G: Secure Multi-channel Automated opeRations Through 5G networks” was funded through Phase I of NSF Convergence Accelerator “Track G: Securely Operating Through 5G Infrastructure“. This is a joint proposal by IBM, Penn State, and Purdue. Here is the media coverage: Penn State Engineering: NSF Convergence Accelerator program team includes Penn State researchers […]