Vaji’s last submission during her PhD, Resource Allocation in 5G Multi-tenancy Network Slicing for Balancing Distribution Power Systems, is accepted to IEEE MASS. Congratulations and a great way to wrap up your PhD, Vaji! And a collaborative survey, A Survey on Analytical Models for Dynamic Resource Management in Wireless Body Area Networks, will come out […]
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Running CSE Girls’ Camp – Design Your Own Reality!
The camp, co-organized by Prof. Ting He, Prof. Bin Li, and Prof. Jing Yang, is designed to expose girls (and boys) in 7-9th grade to the latest cool apps in computer science: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Thanks to Tian and Akash for doing an outstanding job as counselors of the camp!
Yudi’s work on “Line State Estimation under Cyber-Physical Attacks” accepted to Trans. Smart Grid
The paper, “Line State Estimation under Cyber-Physical Attacks: Theory and Algorithms,” addresses the topology estimation problem after a cyber-physical attack that blocks information from an area of the grid and disconnects an unknown set of lines within the attacked area. In contrast to existing works that assumed the grid to remain connected after attack, our […]
Tian’s work on “Attack Resilience of Cache Replacement Policies” accepted to TON
The paper, “Attack Resilience of Cache Replacement Policies: A Study Based on TTL Approximation,” accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, is the full version of our earlier INFOCOM’21 paper that presents the first analytical study of the performance of common cache replacement policies (e.g., FIFO, Random, LRU, and their multi-staged variations) in terms of a […]
Tian’s work on “Joint Caching and Routing” accepted to ICDCS’22
Tha paper, Joint Caching and Routing in Cache Networks with Arbitrary Topology, contains a comprehensive treatment (the most comprehensive to date to my knowledge) on a fundamental problem in networking: joint optimization of how to place/replicate content items and how to match them with requesters connected via a bandwidth limited network to minimize routing cost […]
Vaji successfully defended her PhD dissertation
This was my third PhD graduate. (Belated) congratulations, Dr. Vaji Farhadi!
Vaji’s work on “Improvement of SCADA-based Preventive Control” accepted to TNSE
Vaji’s work on “Improvement of SCADA-based Preventive Control Under Budget Constraints” was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Network Sciences and Engineering. A great way to wrap up your PhD study. Congratulations, Dr. Vaji Farhadi! The work was supported by the NSF-funded CAMPR project.
Yudi’s work on “secured PMU placement” accepted to Trans. Smart Grid
The paper, “Preventing Outages under Coordinated Cyber-Physical Attack with Secured PMUs,” tackles a highly sophisticated and dangerous type of cyber-physical attack on the power transmission system by judiciously placing secured PMUs to limit the feasible space of attack vectors. Compared to existing approaches that use full-fledged PMU placement to achieve full observability and completely prevent […]
Demo on Collaborative LEGO Design accepted to INFOCOM’22
The demo, titled “A Scalable Mixed Reality Platform for Remote Collaborative LEGO Design”, demonstrates a platform based on mobile edge computing to support MR-based remote collaboration using the concrete example application of collaborative LEGO design (i.e., multiple remote collaborators jointly build the same LEGO set!). It was a preliminary work to bring our expertise on […]
Paper on “Communication-efficient kMeans” accepted to TPDS
The paper, Communication-efficient k-Means for Edge-based Machine Learning, is the journal version of our ICDCS’20 paper with the same title, and marks the conclusion of Hanlin’s publications during his PhD study. The work was funded by the DAIS-ITA program that just ended in September 2021. What a great way to start a new chapter and […]