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Paper on “AC-QSS Cascading Failure Model” accepted to PESGM’21

The paper, “A More Realistic AC-QSS Cascading Failure Model with Decentralized UVLS and Centralized RAS“, develops a more realistic cascading failure model for power grid that incorporates the effects of Under Voltage Load Shedding (UVLS) and Remedial Action Scheme (RAS). The work is part of the CAMPR project.

Paper on “Stealthy DGoS Attack” accepted to ToN

Daniel’s work on “Stealthy DGoS Attack: DeGrading of Service under the Watch of Network Tomography” is accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Congratulations to Daniel on your first journal paper with me! This is the extended version of our earlier INFOCOM’20 paper with the same title, discussing the optimal attack strategies and the maximum damage […]

“Power Grid State Estimation under General Cyber-Physical Attacks” selected as Best Paper Finalist at SmartGridComm’20

Congratulations to Yudi on your first paper (with me) and on the honor! This work, as part of the CAMPR project supported by NSF, revisited the problem of localizing failed links (i.e., transmission lines) in a power grid under joint cyber-physical attack. But unlike previous works that assumed the grid to remain connected after the […]

Followup work on “Stealthy DGoS Attack” accepted to Globecom

Congrats to Daniel on your second paper! This work follows up our INFOCOM’20 paper on “Stealthy DGoS Attack”, a novel insider attack that tries to degrade end-to-end communication performances by adding delays/losses at compromised links while protecting these links from detection by network tomography. Unlike the first paper that implicitly assumes only passive measurements, the […]

Paper on “Network Scheduling Aware Task Placement” accepted to TON

The paper, “Network Scheduling and Compute Resource Aware Task Placement in Datacenters“, is the journal version of an earlier conference paper with my intern Ali Munir at CoNEXT’16. It talks about the importance of taking into account how the network schedules flows in placing tasks for data-intensive computation in datacenters.

Paper on “Misreporting Attacks in SDN” accepted to SecureComm’20

Quinn’s paper on “Misreporting Attacks in Software-Defined Networking” is accepted to International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2020). Congratulations, Quinn! The work is supported by a NSF:SaTC grant for which Ting He is the PI. It talks about how a compromised switch can stealthily attract a greater portion of traffic than […]

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