Our work on supporting diverse machine learning models by collecting a robust coreset was featured in the article “Machine learning algorithms promise better situational awareness“, published by U.S. Army CCDC Army Research Laboratory Public Affairs. The work is part of Hanlin’s thesis research, originally published in Globecom’19 and JSAC’20. We thank our government partner Dr. […]
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First paper published under the CAMPR project
Sina’s paper “Solving the Divergence Problem in AC-QSS Cascading Failure Model by Introducing the Effect of a Realistic UVLS Scheme” develops a AC-QSS based model which better captures the process of cascading failure in a smart grid by incorporating the effect of a built-in failure mitigation scheme called Under Voltage Load Shedding (UVLS). This is […]
Paper on “Joint Coreset Construction and Quantization” accepted to IFIP Networking’20
Chronically, this is Hanlin’s second piece of work done during his internship at IBM last summer. The work tries, for the first time, to combine coreset and quantization to jointly reduce two dimensions of the data cube: the number of data points, and the number of bits in representing each feature of each data point. […]
Mingli defended his MS thesis
His thesis is on “Flow Table Security” where he formulated a novel inference problem called Adversarial Cache Inference problem about probing, inferring, and attacking a flow table (modeled as a cache) from one or a set of compromised host(s). The work has been accepted to INFOCOM’20 and the long version is under submission to IEEE/ACM […]
“Robust Coreset Construction” accepted to JSAC SI on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Networking
Hanlin’s very first full-sized work, Robust Coreset Construction for Distributed Machine Learning, finally got accepted into JSAC Special Issue on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Networking. Congratulations, Hanlin! I will share the camera-ready version later, but the main idea is already captured in this arXiv version. It talks about how to use […]
“Communication-efficient k-Means” accepted to ICDCS 2020
Hanlin’s paper on “Communication-efficient k-Means for Edge-based Machine Learning” is accepted to ICDCS’20. It continues our line of investigation on robust and efficient distributed machine learning via the approach of “sharing data summaries”. Congratulations, Hanlin!
“NFV Looking Glass” paper accepted to ToN
Yilei’s paper on “Looking Glass of NFV: Inferring the Structure and State of NFV Network from External Observations” is accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Congratulations, Yilei! This is the full version of her INFOCOM’19 paper under the same title.
Proposal on SDN security funded by NSF
The project, titled “SaTC: CORE: Small: Adversarial Network Reconnaissance in Software Defined Networking“, will provide a vehicle for us to investigate various intriguing security-related questions about an SDN under insider/outsider attacks. I am working closely with Dr. Patrick McDaniel and a group of talented PhD/MS students on this project. First result coming out in INFOCOM […]
Waypoint-based Topology Inference paper accepted to ICC’20
Yilei’s third paper, Waypoint-based Topology Inference, was accepted to IEEE ICC’20! This is our third paper in a series of works on topology inference from end-to-end measurements (a.k.a. network topology tomography), targeting at next-generation networks that allow generalized (non-tree-based) forwarding. Congratulations, Yilei!
Paper on “Strategyproof Reinforcement Learning” accepted to AAMAS 2020
Our joint paper with Prof. Sebastian Stein (ITA collaborator) on “Strategyproof Reinforcement Learning for Online Resource Allocation” got accepted to AAMAS, the flagship conference of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS). Congratulations!