Author Archive | tzh58

Two papers accepted to INFOCOM’20

Daniel’s paper on Stealthy DGoS Attack: DeGrading of Service under the Watch of Network Tomography  and Mingli’s paper on Flow Table Security in SDN: Adversarial Reconnaissance and Intelligent Attacks have been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2020! Congratulations to both of you on your first paper (with me)!

Coreset paper accepted to Globecom

Coresets are small, weighted datasets that can be used as proxies of the original dataset in performing machine learning tasks. While previous coreset construction algorithms are tailor-made for specific machine learning tasks, we proved that k-clustering based coreset provides guaranteed performance for all machine learning tasks with sufficiently continuous cost functions. This is the first […]

Dynamic Service Placement paper accepted to TON

Our first work on using Markov Decision Process (MDP) to model dynamic service placement in mobile edge computing systems was finally accepted to IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking! The work was done in 2015, when Dr. Shiqiang Wang was still Mr. Shiqiang Wang and an intern at IBM. I am debating whether the lesson is to be […]

Paper on Topology Inference accepted to ICC’19

This paper complements our INFOCOM’19 paper on NFV Topology Inference, by focusing on a subproblem called “weight inference problem” that infers the categories of edges in the ground truth topology and the sum edge weight in each category, both from end-to-end multicast measurements. Congrats to Yilei for your second paper and keep up the good […]

Paper on “Adaptive Federated Learning” accepted to JSAC

Our paper “Adaptive Federated Learning in Resource Constrained Edge Computing Systems” has been accepted to the Special Issue of IEEE JSAC on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Networking and Communications! This is the journal version of our earlier INFOCOM paper, in collaboration with Dr. Shiqiang Wang, Dr. Theodoros Salonidis, and Dr. Christian Makaya at […]

Three papers accepted to INFOCOM’19

Yilei’s paper on “Looking Glass of NFV: Inferring the Structure and State of NFV Network from External Observation”, Vaji’s paper on “Service Placement and Request Scheduling for Data-intensive Applications in Edge Clouds“, and our collaborator Stephen’s work on “Service Placement with Provable Guarantees in Heterogeneous Edge Computing Systems“, all funded by DAIS ITA. Congratulations to […]

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